The Impact of a Louverture Cleary Education

Time and again, Louverture Cleary School alumni prove that education is the surest way out of poverty and toward a brighter future for Haiti. In a country where fewer than 5 percent of young people graduate from high school and only 35 percent of college graduates stay in the country, historically nearly 90 percent of our alumni are either at university or working in Haiti

Upon finishing university, Louverturians are highly sought after by local employers for their education, ability to speak four languages (Kreyòl, English, French and Spanish), and leadership skills, regularly earning 10x the per-capita income of Haiti within a few years of graduation.

Bar graph of average annual per capita income in Haiti in comparison to LC graduate's

All are giving back to their communities and their country in accordance with LCS's motto:
"What you receive for free, you shall give for free" (Matthew 10:8).

Blue and red people chart

The impact of a Louverture Cleary education is undeniable.

Louverture Cleary School’s historical pass rate on Haiti’s national exam is 100 percent—double the national rate.

Thanks to the Louverture Cleary School Dulcich Center for Career Advancement and one of the largest university scholarship programs in Haiti, many Louverture Cleary School graduates go on to attend and graduate from university in a country where less than two percent of the population holds a university degree.

Population who Attend University website.jpg
Chart of percentage of university graduates who remain in Haiti in comparison to LCS graduates

These incredible results are why The Haitian Project is developing the Louverture Cleary Schools Network, which will eventually provide 3,600 students with a quality education steeped in service and 1,200 alumni with scholarships to Haitian universities each year. 

Click here to read about some of our many successful alumni who are building a stronger Haiti from within.