Outreach & Community Service at LCS 

An Louverture Cleary education prepares Louverturians for success. The Louverture Cleary culture prepares them to be leaders in rebuilding their country.  

Students collectively conduct over 1,500 hours of structured community service each week within the campus and in the greater community through The Haitian Project’s various community outreach programs. This is by design, living out the school’s motto of Matthew 10:8: “What you receive for free, you must give for free.” 


Community Service at Louverture Cleary school

  • Work Hour / Netwayaj (clean-up): Louverturians carry out work projects like burning trash in the incinerator and planting trees during one two-period work hour each week, and clean the campus every day after school.

  • Translating: Louverturians are fluent in four languages—Kreyòl, French, English and Spanish—and use these skills to translate for foreign doctors in local medical clinics.


Young children sitting on playground eating treats

Begun in 2010 by former Director of Community Development Christina Moynihan, the Koukouy Sen Klè (Fireflies of St. Clare) early childhood development program continues strong today with 60 local children aged 3-10 receiving meals, school lessons, and structured play time each day. Louverturians mentor and teach in the program, and several children who have attended the Koukouy program have gone on to attend Louverture Cleary School and university.

LEkòl Ankourajman

LCS male student tutoring young at desk in classroom

Louverturians also mentor and teach in Lekòl Ankourajman, Louverture Cleary School’s after-school literacy classes for over 70 children and adults from the neighborhood around Louverture Cleary School.