Announcing... Going 360 with THP!

This fall, The Haitian Project (THP) welcomed 60 new students in the incoming Sizyem (US 7th grade) class to the Louverture Cleary School (LCS) student body of 360.

This year, we are not only excited about the start of a new school year at LCS Santo 5, but we are also excited about the future when we are able to open the next Louverture Cleary School—one of nine additional schools that will eventually be constructed as part of the Louverture Cleary Schools Network.

In order to make sure that LCS is covered for this school year and for years to come, we are announcing Going 360, a community of 360 donors committed to sponsoring each of LCS's 360 students by making an annual gift of $1,900—the direct cost of one year of education (professors, books, room and board) for one student at LCS.

Members of the 360 Community will receive special updates and a small welcome gift from THP!

WHY GO 360? Because your reliable support ensures that LCS is able to continue its tradition of success and support more LCS Alumni success stories like Keslin Augustin's—read his story here!