Mèsi, You Made All the Difference!

Mèsi, thank you! You did it!

Thanks to you, we surpassed our Special Match Gift goal of $10,000, helping to raise over $20,000 for The Haitian Project!

To EVERYONE who stood with our students, alumni, faculty and staff during an exceptionally challenging year for Haiti...thank you.

Whether you donated, volunteered your time, or offered your prayers—it made a real difference. We are incredibly grateful for all of it.

And just in case you haven't had a chance to give yet this year, there is still time. Just click below. But we won't be reminding you again, because we hope you are celebrating what we've accomplished together in 2021...and brighter days ahead for all of us.


Team THP

Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.